How do we tell the history of science?

A session at the Science Communication Conference 2015, Manchester
Friday 19 June, 11.00-12.15


Sites and resources on history and science communication

The panel

About this session

Researchers in the history of science, technology and medicine work increasingly with public audiences. Their involvement with science communication is growing in two ways: as a source for collaboration with practitioners, and as a field of historical study. This discussion session will allow practitioners to find out more about current historical projects and discuss challenges and opportunities such as the following:

The session will begin with brief presentations from the panellists, each of whom will outline a particular case study or give a response to the session themes. The rest of the session will be given over entirely to open questions from the audience.

The session organiser is James Sumner, University of Manchester.

Taught courses in science communication involving history

Send questions in advance!

If you have a question for discussion which you would like the panel to think about, you're welcome to send it in advance: email or tweet the session organiser at @JamesBSumner.